Whenever you have to search for something online than what comes in your mind first? The Answer of 90% of users will be Google! Why? Because Google is a No.1 search engine and popular. But what makes google popular? IT’S NAME! 

So in this blog, I am going to show you how can you choose the best domain for your e-commerce store and why it matters a lot.

In 2020 when all great domains are taken then it is very hard to find a good domain available for registration which is related to e-commerce websites. But if you will go for the premium domain then you have endless options. If you are opening a low budget store then for sure you cannot buy a premium domain. Check out points to consider to register a perfect domain name.

How to register a best domain name?

  1. Register only .com TLD  – Nearby 140 Million .com domains are already registered.
  2. Keep your domain as short as possible –   Short domains are easy to remember and if your domain is easy to remember then the user will not have to search for your domain again and again. (Study says domains up to 14 characters and 2 words are more memorable).
  3. Domains should be related to your niche – It is recommended that you must always register a domain which is related to the products and services you sell.
  4. Use English words – Using keywords in your domain name is always recommended as it will be very helpful for SEO.
  5. Don’t use numbers and hyphens – Unless it is not a very high competitive keyword don’t use number or hyphen.
  6. Check past history of the domain – 1000s of keywords domains are now available for Re-registration. re-registration means domains which are registered earlier, but not renewed and then again available for re-registration. So it is also advised to check the history of domains like how it was used in the past. To check how did the website look like in past you can visit web.archive.org

I hope you have to find the above points useful for registering a domain name. But if you didn’t find a domain that is not available for registration then you need to buy a premium domain. Now let’s learn things to consider when buying a premium domain for an e-commerce website.

How to choose the best domain for e-commerce website

If you are buying a premium domain then follow the same point as mentioned for registering and…

  1. Check how many TLDs / Domain extensions are already taken for the particular domain – The More TLDs are registered The More popular your domain is. Tlds eg. (.net, .org, .biz, .info). It is also advisable to buy/register a domain in your CTLD. CTLD refers to Country TLD eg. (for the USA .us, for India .in).
  2. Make it easier and buy highly used keywords – If you are paying extra money for a domain then it is advisable to find a very short domain (up to 10 Characters) which sounds to your e-commerce store as well as brandable.
  3. Age of domains – matters a lot, you must have heard old is gold. Aged domains are the backbone of SEO Purpose.
  4. Past Rank and SEO – It is recommended to check the SEO ranking of the domain name you are buying.  Moz.com can help you with that.
  5. Buy as investment Not as an expense – You might wondering domain registration costs $xx and premium domains costs $xxxx to $xxx,xxx. So please note that premium domains are being sold at fair market value and market value will grow over time. So you can also sell your domain in future for a higher price you have purchased for.


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