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Whenever you have to search for something online than what comes in your mind first? The Answer of 90% of users will be Google! Why? Because Google is a No.1 search engine and popular. But what makes google popular? IT’S NAME! 

So in this blog, I am going to show you how can you choose the best domain for your e-commerce store and why it matters a lot.

In 2020 when all great domains are taken then it is very hard to find a good domain available for registration which is related to e-commerce websites. But if you will go for the premium domain then you have endless options. If you are opening a low budget store then for sure you cannot buy a premium domain. Check out points to consider to register a perfect domain name.

How to register a best domain name?

  1. Register only .com TLD  – Nearby 140 Million .com domains are already registered.
  2. Keep your domain as short as possible –   Short domains are easy to remember and if your domain is easy to remember then the user will not have to search for your domain again and again. (Study says domains up to 14 characters and 2 words are more memorable).
  3. Domains should be related to your niche – It is recommended that you must always register a domain which is related to the products and services you sell.
  4. Use English words – Using keywords in your domain name is always recommended as it will be very helpful for SEO.
  5. Don’t use numbers and hyphens – Unless it is not a very high competitive keyword don’t use number or hyphen.
  6. Check past history of the domain – 1000s of keywords domains are now available for Re-registration. re-registration means domains which are registered earlier, but not renewed and then again available for re-registration. So it is also advised to check the history of domains like how it was used in the past. To check how did the website look like in past you can visit

I hope you have to find the above points useful for registering a domain name. But if you didn’t find a domain that is not available for registration then you need to buy a premium domain. Now let’s learn things to consider when buying a premium domain for an e-commerce website.

How to choose the best domain for e-commerce website

If you are buying a premium domain then follow the same point as mentioned for registering and…

  1. Check how many TLDs / Domain extensions are already taken for the particular domain – The More TLDs are registered The More popular your domain is. Tlds eg. (.net, .org, .biz, .info). It is also advisable to buy/register a domain in your CTLD. CTLD refers to Country TLD eg. (for the USA .us, for India .in).
  2. Make it easier and buy highly used keywords – If you are paying extra money for a domain then it is advisable to find a very short domain (up to 10 Characters) which sounds to your e-commerce store as well as brandable.
  3. Age of domains – matters a lot, you must have heard old is gold. Aged domains are the backbone of SEO Purpose.
  4. Past Rank and SEO – It is recommended to check the SEO ranking of the domain name you are buying. can help you with that.
  5. Buy as investment Not as an expense – You might wondering domain registration costs $xx and premium domains costs $xxxx to $xxx,xxx. So please note that premium domains are being sold at fair market value and market value will grow over time. So you can also sell your domain in future for a higher price you have purchased for.


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On the World Wide Web, domain names are the equivalent of real estate. Owning a domain name lets you stake you claim to your piece of the Internet. For several years, many people from all over the world have been making a good living from the comfort of their own home through the power of domain names. Many domain names have sold for thousands of dollars, and some have sold for hundreds of thousands or even millions. For example, one of the names I registered recently was appraised at a value of $6,000!

Contrary to popular belief, the “dot com crash” has not spoiled the domain name market. There is still a very strong demand for quality domain names. The biggest sales have all come in recent years, as the market continues to grow. Selling names remains one of the easiest and least expensive internet businesses available. It requires a minimum of time and little or no initial investment. It is an ethical, no-nonsense business which avoids the most common pitfalls of other work-at-home ideas.

There are a lot of technical details about how domain names work, but it is not necessary to know these details in order to profit from the names. There are many kinds of domain names, but for the purpose of making money, only “Top Level Domains” (TLDs) are important. The best TLD extensions for making money are listed here:

  • .com
  • .net
  • .org
  • .biz
  • .info

Making money with domain names can be one of the easiest businesses around. There are really only four steps involved:

  1. Search for names.
  2. Register the names.
  3. Sell the names.
  4. Collect easy money!

Let’s go through each step in more detail…

Step 1: Search for names.

The first step in making money with domain names is to search for available names. Your goal is to find high-quality names that have not yet been registered. This is not as difficult as some people may lead you to believe. I do it all the time, and so can you. There are still plenty of valuable, high-quality names available for the taking.

To search for names, you need to use a domain name registrar. At my site, Domain Doctors, we offer a availability check and registration service. On any other registrar’s website, you should see a similar search box that allows you to type in a name and find out if it is still available. Doing this is as simple as typing in the name you want to search for and clicking a button. You will see the results of your search in a few seconds. Checking for availability is completely free.

When you are looking for names to register and re-sell, there are a few simple guidelines to keep in mind:

  1. Shorter is almost always better. The fewer letters a name contains, the more valuable it is likely to be.
  2. Similarly, the less words the better.
  3. You want to pick names that target markets which are both large and specific.
  4. Stay away from hyphens, dashes, numbers that replace words, intentional misspellings, and all other gimmicks.
  5. Don’t try to be too clever, and don’t try to “invent companies by registering names.”
  6. Finally, watch out for trademarks. Don’t register names that infringe on the trademarks of established companies.

If you are having trouble thinking of names to re-sell, Domain Doctors offers an inexpensive suggestion service. We guarantee that every name we suggest will appraise for at least ten times what you pay us, or you get your money back. I do not know of any similar services available elsewhere, although you can always use Google to research other options to help you find good names.

Step 2: Register your names.

After you have some names you think will be valuable, the next step is to register them. Most names will cost you $15-35 each to register. You may find a few places that offer registration for less, but you should keep in mind that as with anything in life, you get what you pay for. Domain Doctors registers names for $19.95. Other reputable services should be in a similar price range.

Step 3: Sell the names.

Once you’ve registered your names, you can list them for sale immediately. There are two ways to do this — through listing sites and through brokers.

If you want a faster sale, go through a broker. Because they make money from the sale, brokers will list your name, promote it, and attempt to get you the best possible price. In exchange for those services, they will deduct a percentage of the sale price when the transaction is complete. 10% is a typical broker’s fee.

If you are willing to potentially wait a bit longer for a sale in order to avoid paying a broker’s commission, you can list you names for sale at a listing site. To find brokers and listing sites, you can type “selling domain names” into Google, or you can find them at the Domain Doctors site.

Step 4: Collect easy money!

After a name sells through a broker, you get paid the sale price minus the broker’s fee. If it is a private sale through a non-broker listing, you get whatever price you and the buyer agree on. Unless you invested in a huge number of names, a single sale could easily repay all of your initial costs and leave you some money besides. If you like, you can use part of this money to register more names, and keep building your business this way.

Taking Action:

You should now have everything you need to get started. As you make progress and do more research, you will learn many tips and tricks to increase your success, but the most important action step for newbies is to jump in and get some good names listed for sale as soon as you can. Again, be sensible and don’t spend a fortune on registering names before you get some experience, but do get a few names on your plate as soon as you can and use them to learn the ropes.

I think you’ll find that speculating on domain names is a fun and rewarding business. It is not a get-rich quick scheme, but with a good eye for names, you can make a comfortable income without leaving home. Remember, if you like the idea of the business but you aren’t sure you have an eye for names, Domain Doctors can help.

We guarantee that every name we suggest will appraise for at least ten times what you pay us, or you get your money back. We also offer domain name registration and appraisal services. A version of this article with a lot of additional tips and informative content is available at our website, through the link below.

Best of luck, and please do drop me a line if you make a good sale or get a name listed for a good asking price!



Source by Jim Clark

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What is Public Domain?

Public Domain Content are any materials that are no longer legally owned by anyone. The absence of ownership entitles everyone to utilize it for whatever ends. Sadly, only a few people know act about its unlimited potential. Its time for you to learn and apply the lessons compiled by Kneb Knebaih in his The Public Domain Secret e-book.

Kneb’s The Public Domain Secret offers tons of exclusive featured content. But just like anything else, it also have some weaknesses that may be an important concern for some. Below are some of the remaining positive features while the rest are some of the areas that the e-book can improve upon.

Get 7+ Bonus Related Resource Materials

As an added bonus, Kneb also added some equally useful and commendable e-books. This includes Mass Control Revealed written by Frank Kern about influencing people’s actions. Another is the Niche Fishing Course with Videos and Audio about Niche Marketing authored by Vondre’ Whaley. Sebastian Saldarriaga’s 80-minute Explosive Niche/Rich Marketer Videos is also a bonus worth pocketing. The Audio Course titled How To Win In Any Niche by Stephen Pierce and Patric Chan is a big plus to this worthwhile collection. Three other unannounced bonuses are for the keeps by promo buyers.

Case Studies of 12 Companies Successful from using Public Domain Content

As a proof of the pudding, actual case studies of about 12 household names who gained commercial success from Public Domain Content are also mentioned to further illustrate the profitability of this enterprise. You may not have realized it before, but Public Domain has been feeding giant corporations and entities since time immemorial. You too can have a share of this unexploited resource.

There is no perfect book that could possibly meet everybody’s expectation

Anyone who claims that his or her book is faultless is probably just hyping you to hand over your hard-earned money. The Public Domain Secret is no exemption to this reality. Since the author is not an expert full-time writer, some technical and physical aspects are not completely polished.

Absence of a Professionally Designed Book Cover

The first flaw that you will encounter with the book is the absence of a professionally designed book cover. If this e-book were to be published on paper, it would lack a nice-looking book cover to attract bookworms. It would probably be unsold most of the time. Upon purchasing the e-book, it doesn’t give you that satisfying feeling that you own a real book. It feels just like buying a draft copy.

Absence of a Professionally Designed e-Book Cover

A book is assessed by its cover and an e-book is appraised by its e-cover. Aside from lacking a book cover. You also won’t find any catchy e-cover anywhere in the webpage. You will feel like buying a manuscript instead. There is no fancy e-cover to entice you to take a peek behind the pages. Nothing. Just the sales copy package on the webpage.

Poor Page Layout

Just from scanning the pages or browsing the headings, you will quickly notice the poor lay-out of the pages. The page numbers are all in the lower right corner. Chapters start and finish with no blank pages between them. All book formalities are omitted – there is no acknowledgment, no preface, no foreword, no bibliography. Just the title page, copyright page, comic strips, Public Domain graphics, a table of contents and the content proper.


Source by Mark Edwards Ocampo